Art Suppliers

Here are some art suppliers for you to delve into – for your own continuing voyage of discovery.

Be aware that you might need a large cupboard, then a room, then an art shed or studio.  And you’ll find your own favourites.  For now, keep it simple and don’t buy too much kit or get too geeky about it, it’s the picture that matters more.  (Try never to buy more kit that can fit in one bag.)

I usually advise people to go to their local art shop, but online shopping is where it’s at currently (local art shops may still be able to deliver or arrange collecting times).


Paper People

Two Rivers Paper for lovely handmade high quality watercolour paper & pads – these are the guys that made the underwater paper for us.

St Cuthbert’s Mill –  for machine made excellent watercolour paper & pads

Seawhite of Brighton for cartridge sketchbooks – choose a hardback stitched book if possible.


Brush People

Rosemary & Co  – for the best brushes, including Chinese ones that I often use (watch out – some brushes are monster expensive and rather amazingly nice)

Pentel – for the waterbrushes to put in your pocket (available from suppliers below)


Online Art Suppliers for all sorts of art products


Cass Art  –

Society for All Artists (There are many more when you google)

Look for…

Favourite paints:

Winsor & Newton


Daniel Smith

White Nights

Favourite pencils (also do paints and plenty of other temptations)

An ordinary propelling office pencil


Derwent (especially the water soluble or inktense ones)

Caran d’Ache (especially the water soluble ones)

All of the above should also ship worldwide.  Of course the USA have their own suppliers, including the charmingly named as well as,, usartsupply, and many more.

As it might take me a little while longer to have written my book on wildlife drawing, you could put this book on your birthday list:-  The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling by John Muir Laws.  It only came out in 2016 and you could lose yourself in his brilliance and his ideas.  Or you could just spend a few more 30secs on that bluetit.

Happy sketching.  Send me the results. 🙂