Sketchbook Wednesdays (6 Recordings)


Wherever you are in the world, join Claudia Myatt for an informative and enjoyable six week zoom course packed with information, demonstrations and projects that you can work on in your own time. You’ll receive links to all 6 zoom recordings, with additional notes from Claudia in one jam-packed email!

Each session Claudia focuses on a different area with exercises and demos.

This course is suitable for beginners, improvers, or any more experienced painters who feel in need of fresh inspiration to get out and about with a sketchbook.

We’re happy to answer any questions too!

Places Available

SKU: VWUK-030124 Category: Tags: , , ,



  1. OPENING PAGES Choices, choices…. Which sketchbook, which format? What themes, what materials?  Indoors or out? In this session we’ll look at a variety of sketchbook styles and reasons to sketch, how to get started and keep the impetus going. You’ll leave the session with a variety of ways to bring life to those empty first pages and start the sketching habit.
  2. SKETCHING IN AND OUT Outdoor sketching can be relaxing or exciting, fast or slow, but never dull.  We’ll look at ways to make outdoor sketching more approachable, with tips from different artists on overcoming the challenges of wind, weather, inquisitive people and moving subjects. Museums, churches, cafes and many other interiors give us great sketching opportunities as well as keeping us warm and dry.  We’ll look at ways to make the most of indoor sketching and how to overcome some of the challenges
  3. PHOTOGRAPHY – FRIEND OR FOE?  Cameras are a huge asset to the artist – but you can also fall into the ‘snap trap’ and be seduced  into thinking that everything can be done ‘later’. This session explores our relationship with the camera and the abundance of photo reference we can find online, how to use it to advantage without losing the joy and connection that you get from sketching ‘real’.
  4.  FINDING THE STORY  A sketchbook makes a wonderful diary when mixed with words – and narrative can take many forms. In this session we looks at ways to weave words and pictures, maps and fragments to make a sketchbook page more decorative as well as more meaningful.
  5. DRAWING ON THE IMAGINATION There are more ways to fill a sketchbook than drawing what you see. In this session we look at the ways in which different artists have used a sketchbook to make thoughts visible, develop ideas and explore more abstract themes. We’ll be using creative doodling, collage and different ways to look at the world around to us fire the imagination.
  6.  THE SKETCHBOOK HABIT Like any habit, the more you do, the more you want to do… our final session looks at ways to keep the inspiration going so that sketching becomes a regular life-enhancing practice. We’ll also suggest ways to use your sketchbooks as a foundation for your more finished artwork, as a resource for ideas and a learning tool. There will be time too for rounding up all your final questions and add any extra practical techniques.