Speed Sketching Suggested Support


Places Available

SKU: VWUK 060122 Category: Tag:


You are about to help us present an hour that you’ll never forget!  

Speed sketching is great fun, informative and will help you on your creative journey.

Any little that you can afford will help us give you more resources to further your skills.  Because we want you to learn to sketch quickly so that you can enjoy sketching outdoors – perhaps on your own, or perhaps on one of our trips.  And because running the sessions have real IT costs not just fun art costs.

A little makes a big difference.  If you prefer a different amount (or to send enough to cover eg 3 months), you can choose your own amount here or you can use the suggested amount above. 

You don’t have to contribute every time you join a session, because really we’re just pleased to see you whenever you come along – especially when you tell everyone all about Art Safari.  

Thank you!

To see what others have been doing, please visit our Facebook Members page.  You can join the members group and post your work there too!

Additional information


All donations welcome!