Our virtual painting holidays have hit the international press. We are thrilled with The Guardian feature on Art Safari, which shows how much sketching and painting can mean to us, especially during these difficult lockdown months.
I was delighted to have a newbie in the group. Journalist Kevin Rushby’s enthusiasm, interest and excitement in learning how to paint is clearly evident in the sketches he made during his short journey with us.
“On day one I am sitting in front of my laptop with a motley collection of art equipment, feeling conspicuously like that person who lands in the tropics wearing a woolly jumper and thick socks.” Don’t we all feel a bit like that when we’re faced with a new subject, and a new white page in front of us?
Kevin’s summing up his artistic experience in the Galapagos was really special. “I’m beginning to realise how much more ambitious than any earthbound journey this is. We are reorganising our perceptions, our brain architecture. We have jettisoned our hunger to take photographs and instead are looking more deeply.”
Thank you for joining us Kevin! I hope that you keep up the drawings from your writing hut. European birds are no less intriguing than greater frigate birds and flightless cormorants!
I would love you to read the article, take out your photos and be inspired to paint from them.
Please also share The Guardian’s recommendation to take a Virtual Art Safari to all your arty friends. We all need to keep happy and busy.
We have another virtual trip to the Galapagos with Mary-Anne in March – book your place now, spaces are limited.
Please look out too for the holidays with our other tutors, including Karen Pearson, Vicki Norman, Claudia Myatt, Roger Dellar, Shelly Perkins, Julia Cassels and John Threlfall.
It’s great to be developing Virtual Art Safari tours delivered via Zoom to keep our minds travelling and our creativity flowing. I personally love this way of teaching and it has been wonderful to stay in touch with the ever-expanding Art Safari family. I know that we will travel again! We will be painting together around the world again, but this way of learning is also here to stay!